Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Post of the Day: 12/4/2013

Beautiful weather down here today. Was a little wet but warm enough to be comfortable. I absolutely hate chilly/cold weather with a passion.

Remember that lady from work that I mentioned in yesterday's Post of the Day who thought I was being rude to her? Turns out she wasn't really upset with me. I apologized anyway but then for the rest of the day she wasn't speaking to me. I think I'm done worrying about that though. What a waste of time. Some people need to learn to get over things.

I'm sitting in my place watching street traffic outside. The headlights are endless for miles as it's rush hour and it's a pretty nice sight. Very mesmerizing for sure.

Just got a news alert on my phone that says something about Mexican officials finding an empty container that is used to hold radioactive materials. Then it states that it does not pose a threat to the population. Um...wouldn't you think that having someone running around with radioactive material might be a slight concern? Or maybe the article means that it's an old container that was lost and now has been found. Who knows. But then again, how the hell do you lose a container that holds radioactive stuff?

Faith in humanity...obliterated.

Looks like some people stole a truck that was carrying the material, opened it, and now are probably going to die since they were exposed to it.

What idiots.

Anyway, work was rather decent today. Had a few meetings here and there and was able to check out my work love who I mentioned in my first Post of the Day. She never fails to be flawless.

On that note, I'm going to watch a movie and hit the bed. Have a great night to anyone who's actually reading this!

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